Thread Lift

The ideal treatment for tightening and contouring skin around the face.

A minimally-invasive alternative to a full surgical facelift, with little to no downtime.

PDO  threads are an innovative procedure that uses resorbable sutures to reposition and tighten tissue laxity in the facial and neck area.

This treatment is often described as the ‘lunchtime facelift’ due to the short amount of time it takes to perform and very minimal recovery time involved, with most clients going back to their usual activities the same day.

Is a thread lift right for me?

PDO threads are recommended for men and women with mild to moderate laxity to the lower or mid face, primarily the cheeks or nasolabial folds – ‘laugh’ or ‘smile’ lines.

What is a thread lift?

The procedure uses fine threads, made of a special dissolvable suture material, to lift certain areas of the face and jawline to give a refreshed and youthful look.

Are thread lifts safe?

Made in the USA, PDO threads have a firm track record of efficacy and safety and is currently used widely by physicians and surgeons around Australia. The procedure is minimally invasive and the insertion of the thread is performed with medical grade, sterilised equipment. It uses dissolvable thread cones placed under the skin with a fine needle – no incision required.

How long does the procedure take?

The treatment takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes and can be used for facial contour around the jaw and cheeks.

How long do results last?

Treatment areas will see an immediate improvement and will improve over time, with final results being seen at six weeks and effects lasting between 12 and 18 months.

What to expect

A typical treatment takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes and can be used to contour the face, jaw line and cheeks. Entry points are gently created after a local anaesthetic has been administered to the skin superficially. Using a fine needle, the thread with cones attached is inserted into the subcutaneous area. A soft tugging sensation may be felt as the threads lift the sagging tissue while the cones hold the thread in place.

This procedure can be combined with dermal fillers, anti-wrinkles and skin boosters to rejuvenate the entire face with a longer-lasting result.