Skin and Skin Care

Rediscover your glow with skin that reflects a fresh energy.

It’s never too late to start afresh or foster better skin care habits.

It is very easy to forget that our skin changes and ages over time.  Plus, it goes through the seasons and is a reflection of lifestyle choices.

Embracing simple skin care principles and routines can be a great way to get you looking and feeling your best.

At Lumea, we not only encourage you to embrace your uniqueness, we also see you and skin as unique.  So, if you are concerned about your skin or intrinsically feel that your skin care needs a fresh approach, please book in for virtual skin care consultation or book an in-clinic appointment.

skincare melbourne

What does a good home skin care routine consist of?

Keeping it simple is always the best approach. Dr Toro’s simple recommended home care routine is typically:

Start by removing the build-up of daily surface pollution, traces of makeup and any excess oil. It is important not to strip the skin of its natural oils or upset the pH of your skin, so take care not to cleanse too often. I typically recommend only cleansing once at the end of your day.

Introduce cosmeceutical-grade actives into your regime.  They can truly transform your skin’s quality and strength.  Actives, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Vitamin C are a great defence against ageing and environmental damage.  The important thing about actives is understanding which actives are right for your skin and  the right time to use them.

For more of Dr Toro’s Top Skincare Tips click here.

What are medical skin peels?

Medical face peels involve the application of a chemical solution to your skin in order to speed up its natural regeneration process – think of it as a highly advanced exfoliation treatment. There are several types of medical skin peels in terms of ingredients and strength, but all work by activating the resurfacing of the top layers of skin, producing a noticeable improvement in its surface appearance.

When will I see results?

While it varies from person to person and the type of peel applied, end results will be visible from within a couple of days to a couple of weeks.  The quality of the new skin should also continue to approve for 30-60 days, with adequate sun protection.

What ingredients are in a skin peel?

Medical skin peels contain different types of exfoliants and enzymes, depending which is used. There are usually three types of exfoliating acids available in professional medical peels: alphy hydroxy acids (like lactic acid), beta hydroxy acids (like salicylic acid) or TCA (trichloroacetic acid). All these exfoliants work by dissolving the intercellular bindings that hold skin cells together. Enzymes are used to activate chemical reactions within the skin, and are usually derived from natural ingredients like rice, papaya, pineapple and pumpkin.

What areas can be treated?

Medical skin peels are most commonly applied to the face, but the neck, chest, back, arms and legs are also all possible to be treated. However, you should not peel more than a small percentage of the body at one time to avoid any potential complications, and it’s important to be aware that desired results are not as predictable in non-facial areas.

What to expect

After an in-depth skin consultation and a specific peel is recommended, your skin will be cleansed several times with both cleanser and an alcohol solution to ensure the peel penetrates the skin evenly.

The medical peel solution is then applied; during this process, it’s common to feel some stinging and a sensation of heat. A hydrating oil may then applied to speed the healing process. If your treatment was a TCA peel, it’s likely your skin will also have a slight yellow tinge which can last 1-2 hours. For several days after, you skin may feel tight and experience redness.

For a lighter peel, the actual peeling effects may be microscopic and so won’t be visible to the naked eye. For deeper peels, 2-5 days may elapse before peeling commences, which can last over a week, after which the softer, smoother skin is revealed. It’s important to avoid excessive sun exposure for 4-8 weeks after a medical peel.

During this transformation period, we’ll also recommend a skincare regime to elevate and maintain the results of your peel.