Chemical Peels

Rediscover your glow with skin that reflects a fresh energy.

Improve the tone and texture of sun-damaged, ageing or hyperpigmented skin


Peels are a popular complement to other treatments and a good skincare routine for good reason, offering a simple, easy and needle-free way to rejuvenate the skin. There are a number of types to address various skin concerns but they all essentially slough off tired, dull skin cells to stimulate fresh healthy skin, allowing for accelerated cell turnover and the stimulation of collagen-making cells.

Powerful active ingredients work to remove dull, dry, dead cells and stimulate the skin cell growth cycle. Softer, smoother skin appears within days and regular peeling strengthens the outer layer of the skin, visibly improving signs of sun damage, fine lines and age spots, or more general concerns like acne, brown spots, clogged pores. melasma, freckles or hyperpigmentation.

Is a chemical skin peel right for me?

Though they may seem simple and easy enough to do at home, they can be a very powerful treatment that really needs to be managed by a qualified skin therapist or physician to ensure you get the results you want, without damaging your skin.

What are chemical skin peels?

Chemical face peels involve the application of a chemical solution to your skin in order to speed up its natural regeneration process – think of it as a highly advanced exfoliation treatment. There are several types of medical skin peels in terms of ingredients and strength, but all work by activating the resurfacing of the top layers of skin, producing a noticeable improvement in its surface appearance.

When will I see results?

Our most popular light chemical peels take three to five days for the skin to start peeling, making way for the new skin underneath to come through. The real results though come when that new skin is fully healed – usually two to three weeks, and can be longer for deeper peels. This timing, and the extent to which peeling occurs, depends on your skin and the peel you’ve selected alongside our advice on what would work best for you. Our expert therapists will guide you through everything you need to know.

What ingredients are in a skin peel?

Chemical peels contain different types of exfoliants and enzymes, depending which is used. There are a wide range of exfoliating acids available in professional medical peels, such as alphy hydroxy acids (like lactic acid), beta hydroxy acids (like salicylic acid) or TCA (trichloroacetic acid). All these exfoliants work by dissolving the intercellular bindings that hold skin cells together. Enzymes are used to activate chemical reactions within the skin, and are usually derived from natural ingredients like rice, papaya, pineapple and pumpkin.

What areas can be treated?

Medical skin peels are most commonly applied to the face, but the neck, chest, back, arms and legs are also all possible to be treated. However, you should not peel more than a small percentage of the body at one time to avoid any potential complications, and it’s important to be aware that desired results are not as predictable in non-facial areas.

What are the different types of chemical peels?

Lactic peels are the go-to peel solution if your skin needs an overall boost. A powerful yet gentle and superior alternative to the traditional glycolic peel, lactic peels can be performed at different concentrations depending on your needs to help the skin to hydrate, turn cells over and break up pigment.

A natural human metabolite, lactic acid-based chemical peels have less chance of an allergic reaction. A series of these peels every two to four weeks over several months can transform your skin by exfoliating away the top layer of skin cells and encouraging new growth – ideal in the lead up to a special occasion.

Targeted peels can help address specific skin concerns no matter your age, including fine lines, age spots and acne, particularly focusing on excessively oily skin helping clear, healthy skin come to the forefront. Beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) chemical peels featuring salicylic acid are common here, generally used on oily or acne-prone skins as they are oil soluble and penetrate deeper.

Salicylic is effective by penetrating the follicles removing trapped oils, dead cells and reducing inflammation within the skin – it brings impurities to the surface which may erupt as more active pimples; this is known as a ‘purge’ before the skin completes its exfoliation and peeling cycle.

Pigment peels are a recent breakthrough in clinical peel treatments that specifically address brown spots and other skin discolourations caused by ageing or hormonal changes. This includes the Jessner’s chemical peel – a combination peel of salicylic acid, resorcinol, lactic acid and Kojic acid – the latter being a skin brightener and is used to reduce the appearance of pigmentation, hyperpigmentation (melasma).

Cosmelan peels are quite different, being quite an extraordinary breakthrough in clinical treatments targeting hyperpigmentation, . Beginning the three-step process, the initial peel is left on the skin for 6-10 hours and is rinsed off later. During this time, the peel feels slightly tingly and itchy but still very comfortable. Once rinsed off, peeling will occur after about two or three days. You’ll then follow an at-home maintenance plan, consisting of a complete skincare regime to fully establish and maintain the results.

Vitamin A peels are also known as retinoic acid chemical peels and are a professional anabolic resurfacing solution featuring medical-grade retinols, fantastic for treating fine lines, wrinkles, dull and lackluster skin texture, visible pores and minor discoloration. They also work by addressing sun damage, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, restoring the immune system, improving circulation, and sealing in moisture deep within the skin.

Rediscover your glow with skin that reflects a fresh energy.

What to expect during a chemical peel treatment

After an in-depth skin consultation and a specific peel is recommended, your skin will be cleansed several times with both cleanser and an alcohol solution to ensure the peel penetrates the skin evenly.


The chemical peel solution is then applied; during this process, you could feel a small amount of stinging and a sensation of heat. For several days after, your skin may feel tight and experience redness, which is a completely normal indication your skin has kickstarted the regeneration process.


For a lighter peel, the actual peeling effects may be microscopic and so won’t be visible to the naked eye. For deeper peels, 2-5 days may elapse before peeling commences, which can last over a week, after which the softer, smoother skin starts healing and coming through. It’s important to avoid excessive sun exposure for 4-8 weeks after a medical peel.


During this transformation period, we’ll also recommend a skincare regime to elevate and maintain the results of your peel.