Double chins and turkey necks quite dramatically change the shape and appearance of your face, and can cause a lot of insecurity in our patients.
What is a double chin and how do you improve the appearance?
With the shape of your face having such a profound impact on the overall balance and composition of your features, jaw slimming is one of the simple ways to achieve your desired face shape.
Both men and women request this treatment; injectables are used to widen the jaw without throwing the rest of your features out of balance. This treatment is particularly popular with men looking for a stronger, more masculine jawline.
A defined jawline is considered attractive in men and women and is a coveted feature of strength & youthfulness.
Double chins and turkey necks dramatically change the shape and appearance of your face and can cause a lot of insecurity in our patients. While these concerns can be due to excess fat under the chin, you don’t have to be overweight to experience it – many cases are simply due to genetics.
A recessed chin (where it lacks forward projection) or short chin (lacking height) can also give the impression of a double chin or turkey neck, especially with overactive platysma muscles in the neck that can give the appearance of the chin, jawline and neck blending together with no definition. Ageing can also contribute, as skin laxity can aggravate the appearance of a turkey neck.
Since there are a few different elements that could contribute to your turkey neck or double chin, there are a variety of treatments we’d recommend depending on the underlying causes.
We specialise in non-surgical options that require minimal downtime. Three often used are fat dissolving injections to decrease excess fat under the chin, anti-wrinkle injections to relax the neck’s platysma muscles that pull down contributing to an undefined jawline and thread lifts to lift and tighten the sagging tissues.
To treat recessed chins we use dermal fillers to create a stronger or more balanced chin. And to improve skin laxity and texture, we recommend radiofrequency (RF) microneedling and skin boosters.
With the shape of your face having such a profound impact on the overall balance and composition of your features, jaw slimming is one of the simple ways to achieve your desired face shape.
Popular with women, slimming or narrowing the jawline gives a softer appearance and creates an oval or heart-shaped face. Jawline slimming is often complemented with our cheekbones and jawline definition treatments.
Jaw slimming can also be a way to mitigate the effects of bruxism or teeth grinding, a medical condition that enlarges the jaw’s masseter muscle with overuse, creating a harsh, wide jawline that sufferers often want to counteract.
We use anti-wrinkle injections to decrease the size of the muscles involved, resulting in a more narrow jawline. While, of course, this treatment is usually used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, in effect, the product is simply a muscle relaxant. Jaw slimming with anti-wrinkle also helps those with bruxism to stop grinding their teeth as much, as it weakens the muscle.
Depending on your unique needs, dermal fillers are also used to treat recessed or short chins to create a slimmer jawline appearance by changing the jawline’s angle and decreasing the squareness of the face.
Injectables are used to widen the jaw without throwing the rest of your features out of balance. Both men and women request this treatment. This treatment is particularly popular with men looking for a stronger, more masculine jawline. Women with very narrow faces also look for a subtle widening of the jaw to improve the proportions of their face.
Jaw widening alongside treatment for a recessed chin can also help reduce jowls in some patients, as the extra width can give further support to the jawline pulling the jowls taut.
With an expert understanding of anatomy, bone structure and balance, we can achieve the look you want with dermal fillers specifically and correctly placed along the jawline. Fillers are used to both treat the jaw as well as correct a recessed chin that can help you towards your aesthetic goals, depending on your unique requirements.
A defined jawline is considered attractive in men and women and is a coveted feature of strength and youthfulness.
It’s important to note that defining is a very different aesthetic goal from widening; we can define without giving any extra width to the jawline. Quite a few people avoid definition work they’d probably love for fear it means widening as well.
Some people naturally have a jaw that’s not very well defined, but others lose definition over time due to aging, where skin laxity, bone loss and fat migration can cause jowls, a shift in the angle of the jaw and a sagging effect.
Both genetics and weight gain can also lead to more fat under the chin, which reduces definition, while highly active neck muscles can also contribute to the appearance of the jawline blending into the neck.
We have a wide range of treatments available that can return definition to the jawline without adding additional width. One of the most effective is thread lifts, which lift and reposition sagging tissue to reduce jowls and bring out your natural jawline once again.
Anti-wrinkle injections are used to relax the overactive muscles that cause the lack of definition along the jawline. If excess fat is an issue, then fat dissolving injections are used.
Expertly placed dermal fillers help define the jawline while also used to treat recessed or short chins, all of which aid in balancing the profile whilst giving the appearance of a sharper jaw.
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We’re here to help you on your journey to feeling confident and empowered. From anti-wrinkle injections to dermal fillers, IV infusions to skin boosters, Lumea Aesthetics is for people of all backgrounds achieving the natural look they want with personalised treatment plans. We look forward to seeing you.
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