
Specialised treatments to minimise facial wrinkles or achieve a slimming effect.

A minimally invasive treatment to provide a youthful and fresh new look.


When life first creates visible facial lines, these are usually dynamic wrinkles that disappear when those muscles relax. Over time, however, repeated use of these muscles cause more permanent (static) lines, which can remain even when the muscle is relaxed.

Anti-wrinkle injections help to relax even those muscles causing more static wrinkles in the face. By inhibiting nerve signals to the specific facial muscle, these injections stop its ability to contract, so that over a relatively short period creases and wrinkles fade, producing a refreshed look.

Are anti-wrinkle treatments right for me?

Anti-wrinkle injections help improve the appearance of frown lines, crows feet and neck bands.

How do anti-wrinkle injections work?

Anti-wrinkle injections help the muscles beneath them to relax. By inhibiting nerve signals to the specific facial muscle, this treatment prevents its ability to contract, so that over a relatively short period creases and wrinkles fade, producing a refreshed look.

What areas can be treated?

Not only can anti-wrinkle injections help improve the appearance of frown lines, crows feet, forehead lines, drooping corners of the mouth and neck bands, this treatment can also help with facial slimming, teeth grinding (bruxism), migraines, gummy smile and excessive sweating (scalp, forehead, underarms, hands and feet).

How long do anti-wrinkle injections last?

Anti-wrinkle injections will typically last three to six months. However, this can depend on individual factors such as which area is being treated and how your body metabolises the anti-wrinkle protein.

Are anti-wrinkle injections safe?

Millions of people have used anti-wrinkle injections over many years, making it a very common procedure. They have been used to treat children with cerebral palsy, among other conditions. The treatment has held a proven safety record for over 25 years.

Our experienced team abide by the philosophy of ‘natural is best’. 

What to expect

Treatment involves a small number of injections in the chosen areas. while the complete process takes only around 10-20 minutes to perform. The effects of your anti-wrinkle injections can begin as early as two to three days after your treatments, but will generally be noticeable after one to two weeks, as the treated muscles gradually relax. With multiple treatments, clients usually see improvement in static lines over time.


Anti-wrinkle injected products are made of a specific protein, which is metabolised naturally by the body. The effects of the anti-wrinkle injections usually last three to six months, but it can vary depending on the area injected and  how the client metabolises the product.


It should also be noted that deep ‘static’ lines, or lines that are present at rest, may also require the use of dermal fillers, skin boosters or medical skin peels to help soften their appearance. We will discuss your own particular requirements at your consultation prior to moving forward with any treatment, to ensure you are clear about your options and your expected results.